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- Kelly Davies | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Kelly Davies Attendance Officer
- Rugby | Rugby Free Secondary School | England
MFL - Spanish Learning a second language will equip students with new skills, such as resilience and curiosity and transferable skills to other subjects and live experiences. Anchor 1 Anchor 2 core_values2 kind2 endeav3 core_values2 1/18 Back to Subjects A different language is a different vision of life. Federico Fellini MFL will support students to learn a second or third language, but also open their minds to other cultures and ways of living. MFL Department - Overarching Curriculum Intent (September 2024) RFSS Curriculum Vision Statement: To build an inclusive curriculum which is aspirational for all and empowers our students to make outstanding academic and personal progress. MFL Curriculum in Context: At Rugby Free Secondary School, we recognize that the study of foreign languages is not merely an academic exercise but a gateway to becoming global citizens in a dynamic and interconnected world. The MFL department is committed to fostering a deep appreciation for cultural diversity, promoting cultural pluralism, and enhancing openness to other cultures. We believe that understanding and speaking another language breaks barriers and builds bridges between people, fostering mutual understanding and respect. At RFSS, we observe a pattern where EAL students tend to be the majority in the GCSE groups. This prompts us to consider the necessity for monolingual students to start understanding how languages can help them better comprehend the world and, most importantly, coexist harmoniously. Especially given that Rugby Town is a multicultural city and RFSS itself is a center with 34% of students from various nationalities. In today's globalized environment, where international links and intercultural connections are commonplace, proficiency in foreign languages is increasingly recognized as a critical skill. It not only enhances career opportunities by opening up diverse pathways in global markets and industries prevalent in and around Rugby, such as manufacturing, logistics, and services, but it also contributes significantly to personal growth and development. Our curriculum is designed to ignite students' curiosity about the world, deepening their understanding of various cultures and their own roles as participants in a global community. Through the study of languages, students develop not just linguistic skills but also enhance their problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and both literacy and numeracy skills. This comprehensive development is facilitated through a rigorous understanding of linguistic mechanisms and grammar structures, which are essential for solid knowledge acquisition. Studies show that students that take a GCSE in MFL tend to improve their grades in Enlgish Language, because they study the structure of languages deeper. Our curriculum also aims to equip students with the skills to understand and analyze the construction and manipulation of language, fostering a critical awareness that transcends cultural boundaries. This critical linguistic perspective is vital in today’s media-saturated world, where communication and information transfer are predominantly text-based and increasingly visual. In summary, the MFL curriculum at Rugby Free Secondary School is structured around the pillars of linguistic proficiency, cultural competence, and critical literacy. It prepares students not only for academic success but also for active and informed participation in a global society, where languages serve as the key to unlocking personal and professional opportunities. Curriculum Aims: Our curriculum aims to: 1. Enhance Multicultural Understanding: Develop students' appreciation for diverse cultures and perspectives, fostering an environment of respect and inclusivity. This is critical in a school where a significant percentage of the student body comes from diverse backgrounds. Promoting one of the school values RESPECT. 2. Encourage Global Citizenship: Prepare students to act as informed and empathetic global citizens who understand their roles within a globalized community. This involves teaching them to navigate and respect cultural differences effectively. 3. Support Academic and Personal Development: Use language learning as a tool to improve overall academic performance, particularly for EAL students who are the majority in GCSE groups. This will help bridge any gaps and ensure equity in educational outcomes. 4. Foster Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Aim: Encourage students to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills through the study of foreign languages. This includes analysis of language structures and cultural contexts to deepen understanding and adaptability. Promoting one of the school values ENDEAVOUR and RESILIENCE. 5. Improve Intercultural Communication Skills: Provide students with the abilities to communicate and collaborate effectively across diverse cultures and languages. This is particularly important in RFSS’s multicultural environment. Promoting one of the school values KINDNESS. 6. Prepare for Professional Opportunities: Highlight the practical benefits of multilingualism in the workforce, particularly in industries dominant in Rugby that benefit from international communication and cooperation. SET for life. 7. Empower Monolingual Students: Specifically target monolingual students to broaden their perspectives through language education, helping them to see the value of linguistic skills in a multicultural context like Rugby Town. Promoting one of the school values CURIOSITY. Each of these aims is designed to cater to the specific needs and demographics of the student population at Rugby Free Secondary School, ensuring that the MFL curriculum not only meets educational standards but also supports students in becoming more competent, thoughtful, and culturally aware individuals. We do this by: Integrating Cultural Learning: Incorporate cultural studies into language lessons, utilizing authentic resources such as films, literature, and guest speakers from various countries to give students a rich understanding of different cultures. Encouraging Real-World Application: Provide real-life communication scenarios through role-playing, simulations, and community engagement activities that require students to apply their language skills outside the classroom. Promoting Collaborative Learning: Create opportunities for students to work in diverse groups, encouraging collaboration and communication among EAL and monolingual students, thus enhancing peer learning and cultural exchange. Organizing Language and Cultural Events: Host language days, cultural festivals, and school-wide competitions that celebrate and educate about the cultures of the languages taught, involving the entire school community. With the help of the cultural ambassador Building Partnerships with Local and International Communities: Develop partnerships with local businesses, cultural organizations, and schools in other countries to offer students authentic experiences and practical applications of their language skills. These approaches are designed to make the learning experience in MFL comprehensive, inclusive, and practically beneficial, aligning with the overall educational goals of Rugby Free Secondary School and the specific needs of its diverse student body. Curriculum Outcome: Linguistic knowledge: Students will achieve extra knowledge in at least one foreign language, demonstrating the ability to communicate in different situations across all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will meet or exceed standards set by the MFL curriculum for GCSE and/or A-Level examinations. Also improving literacy skills in their own language. Cultural Competence: Students will display a better understanding of the cultures associated with the languages they study and people around them. Understanding the multicultural context of Rugby an RFSS. Global Awareness and Citizenship: Students will develop as global citizens who understand and can discuss international issues with empathy and insight. They will actively participate in school and community projects that involve multicultural elements, promoting diversity and inclusion. Cultural Ambassadors. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Students will utilize their language skills to solve problems and make informed decisions. They will demonstrate the ability to analyze and critically evaluate information from various sources in the target language. Use of cognates an developing independence. Academic and Personal Growth: Students will show marked improvement in their overall academic performance and personal development. EAL and SEN students, in particular, will demonstrate enhanced English literacy skills as a result of strengthened language learning strategies. Promoting inclusion. Practical Application of Language Skills: Students will apply their language skills in real-world contexts, such as internships, community service, and during school-organized travel programs. They will be able to navigate situations that require intercultural communication effectively. Preparation for Future Opportunities: Students will be well-prepared for further education and career opportunities where multilingualism is an asset. They will understand the value of languages in a variety of professional fields and be motivated to continue language studies and cultural exploration beyond secondary education. Enhanced Interpersonal Skills: Through collaborative learning and language practice, students will develop strong interpersonal and social skills. They will be adept at working in diverse teams and managing communications across cultural boundaries. These outcomes aim to encapsulate the breadth of skills and knowledge students will acquire through the MFL curriculum. They are designed to prepare students not just for academic success but also for active and informed participation in a global society. The outcomes also support continuous assessment and refinement of teaching strategies to meet these goals effectively, ensuring that the curriculum remains responsive to student needs and educational standards. Please view or download our 'Sequence Overview' document for Spanish Kindness We regularly give ‘shout outs’ for staff who have gone above and beyond and demonstrated an exceptional display of one of our values We encourage and try to support flexible working requests and promote ‘family values’ as something that makes the workforce distinctive. We try to ensure staff have the opportunity to attend personal events or celebrations when requested and within agreed time frame. Collaboration We have an active Staff Wellbeing committee who meet regularly to discuss staff wellbeing and workload. We provide all new staff with a ‘buddy’ to provide support and advice. We plan a variety of staff social events across the year. We provide staff with a free lunch on the day of their duty. We have regular staff breakfasts, provide food on all CPD days and occasional treats such as Pizza! Curiosity We invest heavily in staff CPD and both promote and support opportunities to develop staff. We provide opportunities for all staff to network and visit other schools to improve their practice and share great ideas. Respect We have a Staff Room, where staff can meet, work and even socialise Each faculty has its own staff work room We have regular appraisal conversations to discuss career progression Resilience We promote resilience through our reflective CPD pathways. We have an area in the staff room dedicated to wellbeing which is used to promote health and wellbeing. We share weekly health and wellbeing information. Endeavour Promote a work life balance by being considerate when sending emails and holding meetings. We will endeavor to celebrate our staff and their achievements on a regular basis, for example; a black tie celebration evening.
- Claire Groocock | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Claire Groocock Assistant Head of Year Key Stage 4
- Fae Bantleman | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Fae Bantleman Assistant Head of Year 7
- Robert Fairbrother | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Robert Fairbrother Teacher of Science
- Severine Harrison | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Severine Harrison Teacher of MFL & Cultural Lead
- Catherine Cusick | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Catherine Cusick Teacher of Art and Design
- Gillian Carter | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Gillian Carter Exams Officer
- Karen Lewis | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Karen Lewis Student Support & Welfare Officer
- Connor Pittam | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Connor Pittam Site Services
- Ben Davidson | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Ben Davidson Teacher of Maths
- Rugby | Rugby Free Secondary School | England
_MG_6844_WEB _MG_6844_WEB 1/1 Prospectus Application Process Summer Transition work 2025 Course Guides Open Evening Presentation Oct 24 Welcome Welcome to Sixth Form at RFSS Applications for 2025 are now open. You can make your application by visiting the following link: Gallery Section We are a school that is driving forward at pace. Our collaborative approach to working with our community, local universities and employers is providing those students, who choose to place their faith and futures with us, with the support needed for them to make the progress they want and deserve. Prospectus Anchor 1 Meet the Team Read more Of all RFSS parents asked... Meet the Team 1/4 OUR CORE VALUES Kind Endeavour_OVERLAY OUR CORE VALUES 1/13 Contact Iain Green HEADTEACHER Welcome to our Blog! I hope you find it both engaging and informative. Read more FRIENDS OF RFSS AWAITING BLOG Add latest blogs here! Click here to add images, text and links, or connect data from your collection. Read more WOULD YOU LIKE TO BLOG? PLEASE GET IN TOUCH Read more Blogs Recent Blogs
- Jackie Machon | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Jackie Machon Exams Officer + Access Arrangement Assessor
- Donna Whitley | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Donna Whitley HLTA Specialist in Communication and Interaction
- Siobhan Powell | Rugby Free Secondary
< Back Siobhan Powell Teacher of Science
- Team (List) | Rugby Free Secondary
RFSS TEAM MEMBERS Iain Green Head Teacher ​ Mandy Milsom Assistant Headteacher Safeguarding Simon Tibke Assistant Head Teacher Quality Assurance, Home Learning, Parental Voice Phil Edwards Associate Assistant Headteacher Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Careers, School Website Xian Wright Associate Assistant Headteacher Personal Development Brandon Hallmark Key Stage 3 Pastoral Lead ​ Bethany Woodward Head of Year 10 ​ ​ Stuart Brambell Assistant Head of Year 8 ​ Pete Moss Director of Learning - English ​ Sara Willis Director of Learning - Science ​ Laura Caldas Director of Learning - MFL ​ Lucy Clancy Director of Learning - PSHE and Health and Social Care ​ Hannah Cowperthwaite Head of House - Pankhurst ​ Simon Goodwin Head of House - Attenborough ​ Catherine Cusick Teacher of Art and Design ​ Michael Mayes Teacher of Humanities ​ Jack Wells Teacher of Humanities ​ Larrissa Huggard Teacher of English - English KS4 Lead ​ Chris Doherty Teacher of English - Assistant Head of English ​ Simmar Barr Teacher of Social Science ​ Simmar Bar Teacher of Social Science ​ ​ Gabriela Maxim Teacher of MFL ​ Seyed Abbas Teacher of Maths ​ Haseeb Khan Teacher of Maths ​ Siobhan Powell Teacher of Science ​ Neil Taylor Teacher of Science ​ Robyne Owen Teacher of Science ​ Bethany Fortune Student Support Lead ​ Donna Whitley HLTA Specialist in Communication and Interaction ​ Hazel Kelly Office Administrator ​ Vicky Love Sixth Form Mentor ​ Gayle Markham Inclusion Coordinater ​ Jackie Machon Exams Officer + Access Arrangement Assessor ​ Connor Pittam Site Services ​ Samantha Malt ​ ​ John Harris Deputy Head Teacher Quality of Education Laura Edmonds Assistant Head Teacher KS4 Outcomes, HPA students Elizabeth Towle Assistant Head Teacher SEND .u Seb Cooper Associate Assistant Headteacher Data, Systems and Assessment Mark Laity Director of Learning - Humanities Whole School Pupil Premium Susie Bagnall Assistant Head of Sixth Form ​ Claire Groocock Assistant Head of Year Key Stage 4 ​ Steve Beasley Head of Year 7 ​ David Isles SENDCO ​ Tom Waugh Director of Learning - Digital Communications / Vocational Lead ​ Philip Hopkins Director of Learning - Art, Design and Technology ​ Nick D'Arcy Director of Learning - Sport ​ Ellie Vella Head of House - Turing ​ Sarah Coad Teacher of Art and Design ​ Emma Devine Teacher of Art and Design ​ Lucy Mercer Teacher of Humanities ​ Rachael Hopkins Teacher of Music ​ Lee Rice Teacher of English ​ Josh O'Brien Teacher of English ​ Howard Stokes Teacher of Drama ​ Kully Bal Teacher of ICT ​ Severine Harrison Teacher of MFL & Cultural Lead ​ Ben Davidson Teacher of Maths ​ Gerald Telfer Teacher of Maths ​ Robert Fairbrother Teacher of Science ​ Lorna Topp Teacher of Social Science ​ Kelly Davies Attendance Officer ​ Elsa Elliott SRP Manager ​ Natalie Flitter HLTA ​ Jodi Allard Marketing and Events Co-ordinator ​ Amy James Sixth Form Administrator ​ Nicole Carmichael Inclusion Coordinater ​ Gillian Carter Exams Officer ​ Sara Neal Librarian ​ Bethan Austen Deputy Head Teacher Behaviour and Attitudes Mitch Chadwick Assistant Head Teacher Director of Learning for Sixth Form Sami Bryant Assistant Head Teacher Curriculum, Literacy Marc Skelton Associate Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning Lead & Mathematics Teacher Gurjit Rupal Key Stage 4 Pastoral Lead ​ Rachael Probert Head of Year 11 ​ Megan Angell Head of Year 8 ​ Fae Bantleman Assistant Head of Year 7 ​ Freya Davies Assistant SENDCO ​ Helen Ward Director of Learning - Humanities ​ Sophie Hartwell Director of Learning - Social Sciences ​ Rodger Eadon House Coordinator, Boys Achievement ​ Lynsey Cassidy Head of House - Ali ​ Louise Maclachan Teacher of Art and Design ​ Gareth Campion Teacher of Food Technology ​ Stuart Marr Teacher of Humanities ​ Isobel Tranter Teacher of English - English KS3 Lead ​ Jason Cobley Teacher of English - Literacy Coordinator ​ Toni Stokes Teacher of Drama ​ Tim Ash Teacher of Computer Science ​ Helena Southworth Teacher of Social Science ​ Ana Oliver Teacher of MFL ​ Abby Hawkins Teacher of Maths ​ Joanne Griffiths Teacher of Science ​ Jamie-Lee Goodenough Teacher of Social Science ​ Taya Dwelly Cover Supervisor ​ Joedie Bradgate Deputy Safeguarding Lead ​ Helen Townsend SEND Specialist Teacher ​ Sharon Large Learning Support Assistant ​ Lisa Fincher Receptionist ​ Jane Sergeant Office Administrator ​ Peter Allington ​ ​ Karen Lewis Student Support & Welfare Officer ​ Sally Mcguigan Lead First Aider ​
- Blog | Rugby Free Secondary
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