Sports Studies
Sport studies is an excellent course for students who wish to develop their knowledge on a variety of sports-based topics. This is a developmental course which requires students to study, and be assessed, in a variety of ways.
Over the duration of the course, students will cover 4 different topics: Contemporary Issues in Sport (theory), Developing Sports Skills (practical), Sports Leadership (practical and theory) and Sport in the Media (theory). All these units will allow students to be introduced to topics and issues that will allow them to grasp these key areas.
Do your best when no one is
looking. If you do that, then you
can be successful at anything
you put your mind to.
Bob Cousy
All of these units will allow progressions to further education in the sports field in areas students may not have realised were possible, or even existed. This is a step up from core PE due to the theoretical content and nature of the course. Students will be coached, taught and guided along the way, to reach their potential in this course. With 3 coursework units and 1 exam unit, this is an excellent course for students who prefer opportunities to be assessed over a period of time rather than in 1 exam period.
KindnessWe regularly give ‘shout outs’ for staff who have gone above and beyond and demonstrated an exceptional display of one of our values We encourage and try to support flexible working requests and promote ‘family values’ as something that makes the workforce distinctive. We try to ensure staff have the opportunity to attend personal events or celebrations when requested and within agreed time frame.
CollaborationWe have an active Staff Wellbeing committee who meet regularly to discuss staff wellbeing and workload. We provide all new staff with a ‘buddy’ to provide support and advice. We plan a variety of staff social events across the year. We provide staff with a free lunch on the day of their duty. We have regular staff breakfasts, provide food on all CPD days and occasional treats such as Pizza!
CuriosityWe invest heavily in staff CPD and both promote and support opportunities to develop staff. We provide opportunities for all staff to network and visit other schools to improve their practice and share great ideas.
RespectWe have a Staff Room, where staff can meet, work and even socialise Each faculty has its own staff work room We have regular appraisal conversations to discuss career progression
ResilienceWe promote resilience through our reflective CPD pathways. We have an area in the staff room dedicated to wellbeing which is used to promote health and wellbeing. We share weekly health and wellbeing information.
EndeavourPromote a work life balance by being considerate when sending emails and holding meetings. We will endeavor to celebrate our staff and their achievements on a regular basis, for example; a black tie celebration evening.