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Meet our Headteacher

Iain Green SLT_GREEN.png
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Learn a little more about Iain Green

Iain has been a qualified teacher for 13 years and has taught across the secondary age range from Year 7 - 13 in four different secondary schools across Coventry, Warwickshire and Northamptonshire. Iain is a former Head of English and has experience in three schools of leading Teaching and Learning, Curriculum Development and Student Outcomes at Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher levels. Iain is an English teacher, and has taught both Language and Literature across Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. 


Iain’s background is in school improvement, and he has been part of two leadership teams that have moved schools from ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Good’ within eighteen-month periods. Iain is currently undertaking his NPQH and has led on training with external partners for senior and middle leaders, with a particular emphasis on upskilling leaders of the future. 


Iain was appointed as Acting Headteacher in March 2023 and helped to move the school forward from ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Good’ in his previous role as Deputy Headteacher (Quality of Education), before becoming the permanent Headteacher of RFSS in June 2023. Iain enjoys the challenge of leading a growing inclusive and diverse school, and inspiring all members of the community to achieve their potential and beyond. He places high value on promoting people-centred leadership, in conjunction with research and best practice. Iain is proud to be a key part of RFSS, alongside students, staff and parents and carers. 


Outside of school-life, Iain has a young daughter of which he is extremely proud, and has a passion for sports (Liverpool FC), music (Oasis) and eating out (Italian). 

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