Meet Marc Skelton

Learn a little more about Marc Skelton
Marc has been teaching mathematics in schools across Coventry and Warwickshire since 2008, joining Rugby Free Secondary School in 2021. During his time in education he has worked in various roles including as Head of Mathematics, Teaching and Learning Lead Practitioner, and Assistant Vice-Principal. Marc has also supported improvement in many primary and secondary schools in his capacity as a Specialist Leader of Education. At RFSS Marc teaches mathematics from years 7 to 13, coordinates staff development, oversees Teaching and Learning, and leads the school’s research initiatives.
In addition to his responsibilities at RFSS Marc also works closely with the University of Warwick and is nearing completion of a PhD researching how learning can be made to be student-centered, successful, and positive. In particular he has explored how a better understanding of student motivation can lead to creating learners with better self-regulation.
Marc believes passionately that education should be inclusive, and that all children, no matter their background or circumstance, should have the opportunity to become the best they can be, within a positive environment.
Outside of work, Marc enjoys spending time with his family, running marathons, climbing, playing guitar, and singing in a succession of never-quite-making-it bands.