Student Support
Each year group has a Head of Year who is a full time teacher, and an Assistant Head of Year (non- teaching) supporting this role.
There are also Form Tutors in each year group who meet with their class each morning for registration, and who deliver a Form Tutor programme throughout the year that covers all areas of PSHCE, and creates opportunities for celebrating success.
Our structure reinforces
the school value of
Collaboration as we all seek to
work in partnership with
your child.
This structure also means that students and parents have three dedicated points of contact for their specific year group which allows for regular contact between school and home via phone, email or prearranged meetings. It also reinforces the school value of Collaboration as we all seek to work in partnership for the benefit of your child.
The below attachment is a useful guide to all Parents and Carers on how best to support your child through their educational journey.
RFSS Supporting Learning 2024 2025
Please click the below area for information specifically relevant to your childs' year group: